If you are police, fire, or emergency personnel, there are many things you need to know about your rights if you are hurt on the job. The first and most important thing to do if hurt on the job is to report the accident or injury to your supervisor. Make a written and report. Like many workers, police and fire are entitled to benefits. For a full explanation of your rights please contact New Jersey Workers’ Compensation lawyer Michael J. Dennin. He is a experienced injury attorney who will fight for you to get you the benefits you need.
In New Jersey, a fire or police worker who gets hurt at work is entitled to medical treatment, payment from the insurance company while out of work, and permanent compensation if there is a permanent injury. Many fire and police workers are entitled to full pay for a period of time, and then a % of weekly pay after the full pay ends.
If fire or police workers are hurt by someone else while at work, you may have rights against that person. For example, if a police officer is stopped at a red light at work, and rear ended by another car, then the worker would have rights against the person who hit them and the workers’ compensation insurance company.
Call or text Mr. Dennin directly at 1 (856) 577-9138 for free legal advice. All consultations are free. South Jersey injury attorney Michael Dennin also gives free presentations to local Unions and police and fire workers about their rights.